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Window Coverings and Memory

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Window Coverings and Memory

Shutter window coverings from the outside of a farm style home

Shutter window coverings from the outside of a farm style home

Window Coverings Growing Up

I remember the window coverings I had growing up. They were the kind of vertical blinds popular in the eighties. They would always fall off, and I was assigned to reattach them. Most of the time they would break when I attempted the repair which was very frustrating. Simply stated I don’t have good memories of those vertical blinds.

shutter window coverings on a bay window

Shutter window coverings on a bay window

Shutter Jealousy

In comparison I remember my best friend’s family had shutters in their home. They never broke or had to be reattached like my family’s vertical blinds. In fact, the shutters always looked brand new for as long as they lived there. Of course, after I moved out and started living on my own my parents decided to finally get painted shutters just like my best friend. Maybe they figured that their blind repairman left so it was time to get new window coverings. Either way I am jealous of their shutters.

shutter window coverings on a kitchen bay window

Shutter window coverings on a kitchen bay window

Window Covering Dreams

At the present time I have a mix of faux wood blinds and drapes that came with my home. Generally speaking the faux wood blinds are difficult to clean because they have some many parts, and the drapes have to be taken down and washed to avoid becoming dusty. I dream of the day when I can have shutters for myself. For the most part all I will have to do to clean the shutters is run a duster over them. Although it is only dream for the moment I am determined to make it a reality. I want my kids to remember our home as a pleasant place, and not one of frustration.

To have Stanfield Shutter help you choose the best window coverings for your home fill out the form below.

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